Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Assignment for May 16, 2018

1. Review the assignment for May 2nd.
2. Read Ezra 6:13-7:28
3. Answer these questions:

6:14- How many Kings were involved in this process?
6:20- What is the Passover Feast?
          What feast was Jesus celebrating when He instituted the communion service?
7:6- Ezra was a teacher (scribe). What did a Scribe do?
7:9- How long did it take him to make his journey?
7:10- What 3 things did Ezra devote himself to?
          What do we devote ourselves to?
7:25- Ezra's charge- list the main points
7:26- What 2 laws must be obeyed?
7:27-28- Ezra's 1st recorded words in this book. In a few words, what is he saying?

Why does Ezra, the one whom the book is named after, not appear until Chapter 7?

The answer we discovered during our study last week had to do with the timing of God. Ezra and his gifting were needed precisely at that exact time; not before or after.

Are we comfortable with God's timing in matters of our lives? 
Do we expect perfect timing from Him?

Our discussion about "what we are devoted to" led to a practical assignment.
Keep track of your time for 1 week- 24/7. You will be amazed to discover what you devote yourself to. Have fun!