Saturday, October 27, 2018

Assignment for November 7, 2018

1.  Attend a church on Sunday
2.  Since we are headed into the Thanksgiving Season, let's look up references that have the word "thanksgiving" in our Bibles.  I have counted over 20 verses in my New International Version (NIV) Bible. See how many you can find.
3.  As you find them ask questions such as:

What am I to be thankful for?
Who am I supposed to be thankful to?
What personal benefits do I gain as I give thanks?
What things are similar in these verses?
What things are different in these verses?
Are there patterns that emerge as you go through them?

4.  Look up the meaning of the word in the English dictionary.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Assignment for October 10, 2018

Assignment for next time is:

1. Read Psalm 119
2. Look for the words "desire" and "meditation" and note the verses where these are found.
3.  Write down any thoughts that come to you.

To review from last time, we continued our discussion of Psalm 1 but focused on 2 words: "delight" and "meditation." Since we had defined "meditation" in an earlier study, we focused on "delight."

Delight is more than just being happy. It is deeper. 

What things, in the natural realm, bring you delight?  
People shared about children, grandchildren, a sunset, a special food, special music, etc. 

Who delights in you? Who lights up when you enter a room? Who is delighted to see you?
People shared about grandchildren, dogs, etc.

These examples are from the natural world. When we move to the spiritual world we need to understand that God delights in us. Because He does this first we can, in return, delight in Him.

To delight in Him includes delighting in His Word. Delighting in His Word includes meditating upon it.

To review briefly what we discussed concerning a way to mediate day and night:  Write down a small portion of the Bible that God directs you to. Carry it with you or put it on your refrigerator. Someplace where you will continually see it throughout the day. When you get a free moment read this verse. It will percolate in your spirit and minister to you. Also, read this verse as the the last thing you do before you go to sleep. It will be in your spirit while you sleep. This will take discipline but God will give you the ability to do it. Discipline will transform this process into delight, which is what God wants for us. So remember, we go from "Discipline to Delight!"

Here are some of the verses we looked at for you to review:

Psalm 35:27-  double delight spoken of here- people and God.
   1.  The delight of people who believe in David and will rejoice when he is vindicated.
   2.  The delight of God in the well being of David.

Psalm 37:4- delighting in God will result in the desires of our hearts being realized. 
How? We are delighting in the One who made our hearts and put Godly desires in them before we were even born. Delighting in Him releases these desires to come forth.

Psalm 43:4- delighting in the right thing delivers us from despair.

Isaiah 11:1-3- A prophecy of the coming Messiah- Jesus. Vs. 3- He will delight in the fear of the Lord. Fear means to reverence, to be awed by.  He set the example for us.

Psalm 112:1- We are blessed when we delight in the fear of the Lord also

Zephaniah 3:17- A wonderful verse that shows just how much God delights in you. 
The phrase "rejoice over you" means "to spin around under the influence of violent emotion."  
He is mighty to save you.
He will quiet you with His love.
He will dance over you with reckless abandon because He delights in you.