Monday, November 26, 2018

Assignment for November 28, 2018

Thus far we have done several different kinds of Bible Study methods.

1.  Word studies- Thanksgiving
2.  Book studies- Ezra
3.  Chapter studies- Psalm 1

This time we will do a Biographical Study with the Christmas story characters.

1.  Read: Matthew 1:18-2:15
                Luke 1:1-2:40

2. Write down details of the lives of the following people. Also write down any deductions about them that you can make as a result of what the scripture says. Not sure how far we will get each week so please do them in order so we will all be on the same page.

Wise men

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Assignment for November 7, 2018

1.  Refer back to the assignment for 10-31-2018 as we have not finished it.
2.  Attend church this week.
3.  There is a special event at White Horse Christian Center this week if you are interested in some extra fellowship.  The Prophetic Conference starts Wed. at 7:00 pm. It has meetings on Thurs. & Fri. at 10:00 am, 2:00 and 7:00 pm. There is also a free lunch. Attend if you can.
4.  Last week we began to look at the word "thanksgiving" and where it is found in the Bible. Different English translations were used so the number of listings differed but we came up with around 30 references.  (If we had included other forms of the word- thankful, thanks, thankfulness, etc. there would have been too many verses to discuss.)
5.  We started with the book of Leviticus and made it almost through the Psalms.  We will pick up there this week.
6.  Results of our discussion:
  Leviticus 7:13, 15- thanksgiving resulted in an action- the giving of an offering
  Ezra 3:11- thanksgiving was offered after the completing a task with God's help
  Nehemiah 11:17, 12:8, 12:24, 27 & 46- Thanksgiving was a leadership assignment from God. These assignments were coupled with prayer, songs and praise.  We asked, "Why would God need to give us leaders who would lead us in the giving of thanks?"
7. We also looked at an example of a "progression of prayer" that we can use to approach God. It came from Psalm 26:7 and 100:4. We start with offering thanksgiving for what He has done for us. We move to praise by exalting His attributes or character qualities- i.e. His love, faithfulness, etc. Then we move into worship by focusing on who He is in Himself. This was likened to the Old Testament temple structure: the outer court, the inner court and the most inner court- the Holy of Holies.