Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assignment for May 1, 2019

Review from previous lessons:  

1.  3 "likenesses"
     Gen. 5:1-  likeness of God- perfect man, sinless
     Gen. 5:3-  likeness of Adam- sinful man
     Gen. 6:4-  likeness of hybrid creatures- these were never meant to be.  Part fallen spirit and part human. From these unions came the giants- the Nephilim.

2.  Math from Gen. 5:25 (187), 28 (182) and 7:6 (600).  When you add these 3 numbers together you 969.  

Methuselah, whose name is a combination of 2 words:  "Man of the dart" and "They died." There was a "target date" when something would happen.  He lived 969 years. The year he died the flood came. He was a living "prophetic indicator" that destruction was coming. He was the longest living human ever to live.  This shows how much patience God gives us in allowing us time to repent before sending judgment.

3.  Once the Nephilim came, God said, "Enough! Things have gotten too wicked and I must destroy mankind."  Gen. 6:5-7

4.  But Noah, whose name means "rest, repose," found favor with God. Because of this, he and his family were permitted to escape the flood.  One person made a  difference in the world that has impacted the world to this day.  

5.  Existence of the giants.  We looked at the following videos. These are not from a Christian perspective.  They simply show that there is historical proof that they existed.

This one is about a speech by Abraham Lincoln.  His speech was not about giants but about the enduring greatness of the Niagara Falls. However, he refers to the giants in a way that shows that it was common knowledge to the people in our nation that they existed.
Here is a new one dealing only with Indiana:

This link shows the findings just in our nation.
Giant remains have been discovered all over the world.  We will look at this from a Christian perspective this week.

6.  Luke 17:26-27-  “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all."

Everything that occurred before the flood will occur before Jesus returns.  However, there is a "Noah" that has found favor with God and is pointing the way to repentance and life whereby mankind can be saved.  This is the Church of Jesus Christ- you and me. We have an important job!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Assignment for 4-17-2019

Read Genesis 4 & 5

We will review Genesis 4, especially the "1st Mention" items.

Chapter 5:1 and 3 both use the word "likeness."  Are there differences between these uses?  If so, what are they?

Use the numbers in 5:25, 27, 28 and 7:6 and see what kind of math stuff you can come up with. It is pretty cool. 😉