Monday, May 27, 2019

Assignment for May 29, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 8
2.  Look up the definition of the word "remember."
3.  What are some other important Bible verses that contain the word "remember?"
4. Vs. 7- Why did the Raven not return to the ark?
5. What was Noah's 1st act after he emptied the ark?
6. What is the "1st Mention" item in verse 20?
7.  Write down any questions that come to mind as you are reading and studying.
8.  Be sure to attend a church this week.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Assignment for May 22, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 7

2.  2 Peter 2:5 and Hebrews 11:7 give insight into Noah.  
     What do they tell us?

3.  How many times are the numbers 7 and 40 used? 
      What is the significance of these? 
      Do we find these numbers elsewhere in scripture?

4.  7:2 has a 1st mention item.  What is it?

5.  7:11- floodgates of heaven

     See Malachi 3:10. Exact same phrase is used but in a positive way.

6.  Why were there more clean animals taken than unclean?

7.  What species did not enter the ark?