Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assignment for October 2, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 15
2.  Write down any questions or observations that you have.
3.  A key truth for personal encouragement came from 15:6. Belief in God's promises led to a credit to Abraham's account.  A deposit for future withdrawal was added to his spiritual bank account.  It took many years of walking in faith before the withdrawal could be made, but Issac, the child of promise, was eventually born. We also have had things credited to our account as believers. Things we are promised but have not yet seen. An obvious example is heaven. We don't see it now but we KNOW we have been promised it and walk in certain belief that we will see it someday.  Likewise, in Christ, deposits have been made into each of our spiritual bank accounts for every need that we will face.  Through the blood of Jesus, God has made these deposits.  He has deposited everything we will need to fulfill His purpose for us.  All that we need is found in Him.
4.  Be sure to attend a local church this week.