Saturday, June 23, 2018

Assignment for June 27, 2018

History tidbit from last weeks discussion:

1. Review Assignment for June 13, 2018.
2.  Read Ezra 10:1-44
3. Answer these questions:

-10:1- Was Ezra trying to gather a crowd around himself?
           Why did the people come?
           Can 1 person's example influence an entire group?
            Are there examples in your life where you had to "stand alone" and do what was right?
           What was the outcome?
- 10:2- Shecaniah admits to the guilt of the people. His lineage is listed here. Why isn't his name found in 10:26?
-10:3-8- An agreement over what has to be done is reached. 
            The only thing left to figure out was how to do it.  
            Ezra continues with a total fast (no food or water) for 3 more days. 
            What was the 1st step taken?
-10:9-15- Why is the rain mentioned? (vs. 9, 13)
                What was the next step taken?
                What are the 2 parts of repentance found in vs. 11?                 
-10:16-17- How long did it take for the task to be completed?
-10:18-44- How many men are listed?

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