Saturday, August 4, 2018

Assignment for August 8th

1. Review the assignment from July 25 . Be sure to read the part in blue.
2. Go through the parable and write out the verses from each Gospel for both the story and the explanation of the "good soil."
3. Note the differences and similarities.
4. Do the amounts stated, 30, 60 & 100 fold, mean that only the "100 fold people" got it right?


The "Good Soil" part of the Parable:
1.  Matthew and Mark were very similar in the telling of the parable. Only difference was the order of the numbers: 30, 60, 100.
2. Luke's account was very brief and only used the number 100.

The explanation:
1.  Matthew states that the good soil represents a person who hears the Word, understands it and produces a crop.
2.  Mark uses the words, hear, accept and produces.
3.  Luke uses hear, retain, and by persevering produces a crop
     He also describes the person as one with a "noble and good heart."
4. Some conclusions made by combining all three: There is a progression of growth as we move from hearing the Word. First there is understanding, then accepting and finally retaining.
"Noble" in the Greek literally means "beautiful." Also means good- valuable or virtuous for appearance or use.
"Good" in the Greek is a primary word meaning "good."
So, "noble" refers to the outer appearance and "good" to the heart. 

As we discussed the germination of seeds and how they each reproduce after their own kind, God gave a us a gem:

The Word of God is the only seed that will produce many different kinds of fruit from the same seed. The same seed can bring salvation, healing, deliverance, meet financial needs, relational needs and much more. This can be illustrated during by what happens during a sermon. The exact same message is heard by all who listen, but each hearer is receiving what they need from God at that juncture in their lives.

We discussed what kind of a harvest or fruit are we supposed to bear. There are several kinds of fruit listed in the Bible.
1. The fruit of the Spirit- Galatians 5:22-23
2.  Character development- John 15:1-11
3.  Leading someone to Christ- Psalms 126:6
4.  Moving in the gifts of the Spirit- John 14:12

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