Sunday, January 27, 2019

Assignment for January 30, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 2
2.  Why did God rest?  Was He tired?
3.  Verse 7- We know that man is a 3 part being.  Can you identify where these 3 parts originated by using this verse?
      Look up the definition of the word "formed"
      John 20:21-22- What is similar to Gen.2:7? What is different?
4.  Man was given dominion over nature.  What was his 1st act?
5.  What was different about the creation of Eve?
6.  Write down any insights or questions you receive from Holy Spirit

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Assignment for January 16, 2019

Last week we looked at the first thing God created- Light. Here is the full spectrum of all the light waves God created. We can only see a sliver of the light that exists. 

Light is a physical manifestation of God's nature. He is light. His light guided all that He created. 

As we continue looking at the days of creation in Genesis chapter 1:

1.  Look for words or phrases that are repeated throughout the chapter. Write them down with the number of times they are used in chapter 1.
2.  Look up these words in an English dictionary:
3.  Remember, the 2 things you can do that will help you to get the most out of our time together are:
     - Do the homework
     - Go to a local church each week

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Assignment for January 9, 2019

Happy New Year!

We will begin the year by looking at the book of Genesis. For this week:

1.  Read Chapter 1 of Genesis
2.  We will probably just be focusing on the earlier verses
3.  With regard to the creation account itself, read:
     John 1:1-3
     Hebrews 11:3
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
4.  With regard to the subject of light, read:
     1 Timothy 6:16
     Psalm 76:4
     Psalm 104:2
     1 John 1:5
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
5.  Be sure to start each day in prayer and the Word and be sure to attend church.