Sunday, January 6, 2019

Assignment for January 9, 2019

Happy New Year!

We will begin the year by looking at the book of Genesis. For this week:

1.  Read Chapter 1 of Genesis
2.  We will probably just be focusing on the earlier verses
3.  With regard to the creation account itself, read:
     John 1:1-3
     Hebrews 11:3
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
4.  With regard to the subject of light, read:
     1 Timothy 6:16
     Psalm 76:4
     Psalm 104:2
     1 John 1:5
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
5.  Be sure to start each day in prayer and the Word and be sure to attend church.

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