Sunday, June 23, 2019

Assignment for June 26, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 9 and 10
2.  We have been examining a very complex part of Scripture in Genesis 9:18-28. This passage has been debated for centuries and the conclusions drawn have been varied. So we picked a Bible Study principle to use. 
- This principle was to 1st look ONLY to this portion of Scripture and it's immediate context to see what we can learn.  Now, there is nothing wrong with using outside information as we study the Bible. However, I have found with these difficult passages that other sources can be confusing to use at 1st. This principle is ALWAYS the safest way to begin a study, no matter how difficult the passage.

We began looking through this portion last week.  Here are some things that we learned:
- There was special mention of Canaan in verse 18. Why?
- 1st mention of vineyard, wine and drunk.  Did Noah know about fermentation?
- Ham wasn't cursed. Canaan was. Why?
- Ham "saw" something (vs. 22) and "did" something (vs. 24)
- Question came up: Was Ham cursed worse by not being cursed directly?
- Canaan was to serve his brothers. His brothers are listed in 10:6.
- So, continue to look closely at these verses and see what else you notice.  

3. Here are a few things I have noticed by using a few Bible Study language tools:

- In vs 21-22 we find the words "uncovered" and "nakedness."  These exact same words show up in the book of Leviticus 18 & 20.  Look at Leviticus 20:11. The NIV says "he has dishonored his father." More literal translations (KJV, etc.) say, "he has uncovered his father's nakedness." What does this phrase speak about? What conclusions can you draw?
- Noah said, "Cursed be Canaan!" (vs. 25) He said this to his "youngest son." (vs. 24)  But Ham was not the youngest son. He was the middle son. The word "son" in verse 24 can also refer to "grandson." Was Canaan the youngest grandson (10:6)?

4. This should be enough to get us started.

5.  Be sure and attend a church.

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