Sunday, April 8, 2018

Assignment for April 11, 2018

1.  Re-read the blog: Assignment for April 4, 2018.
2.  Read Ezra 4-6
3.  Do some "study-digging" in a couple of areas that spring to your attention
4.  Write down thoughts or questions that come up.

Our Discoveries:

1.  First a simple chart to help you keep the cast of characters straight:

Image result for ezra nehemiah simple timeline chart

PLEASE do NOT get hung up on trying to keep all these characters straight. Now that you have studied it, you have the information to refer to if you need it.  Focus instead on what the information you have learned might mean to YOU.

2.  Some discoveries we made:

- Whenever we attempt to do something for God, there will be resistance and opposition. Expect it and plan for it. It is really a confirmation that you are on the right track.
- The opposition in Ezra came from the local peoples who later became known as the Samaritans. They were people who worshiped the God of Israel but added other false gods to their beliefs.  Because of their added idolatry they were not fit to help build the temple. If they had chosen to totally convert to Judaism, they would have been eligible. They didn't want to do this and thus were enemies (4:1). They offered  to "help" in the rebuilding effort because they wanted to subvert the process from within.  Next they tried to stop the building from outward pressure. Thus  came the letters to the Kings to request that the building be stopped. 
- In our lives we have to be aware of what happens as we endeavor to move forward with God. There will come inward challenges- thoughts of condemnation, confusion, criticism, etc. There will also be outward challenges where people will be used to tempt us away from our directive. Don't be surprised at this. Realize that overcoming these obstacles is part of God's plan to lead you to victory. 
-In 4:24 we "read between the lines" again. By doing some math we found that the building stopped for 18 years.
- We see an example of how God turned one of the outward attacks against their enemies. The letter to King Darius backfired on their enemies. He not only confirmed that they have permission to build but he increased the support they were to receive and those who would oppose the rebuilding would receive great punishment. (6:1-12)
- We again were impressed by the accuracy of public records in ancient days.

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