Friday, April 27, 2018

Assignment for May 2nd

1.  Reread the Assignment for April 18th.
2.  Read Ezra 5:1-6:12
3.  5:1-2- This shows us that God had placed them in a position where they could succeed in their mission. What are some of these things that would ensure their success?
4.  5:3-5- After doing everything rightly, what happens?
5.  5:6-17- Summarize the points of the letter.
Especially note vs. 11. Remember, it had been 16 years. How did they remember, so accurately, the details in 11-16?
6.  6:1-12- Summarize the points of the return letter. Did the support from the King increase or decrease? In what ways?


5:1-2- To ensure success God sent prophets (Haggai and Zechariah) who joined forces with the head of the tribe of Judah (Zerubbabel) and the High Priest (Jeshua). 
5:3-5- after doing everything right, they met stiff resistance from public officials.
We should not be surprised when we face resistance after we embark on doing something good. We should expect it and take it as encouragement that we are on the right track.

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