Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assignment for October 2, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 15
2.  Write down any questions or observations that you have.
3.  A key truth for personal encouragement came from 15:6. Belief in God's promises led to a credit to Abraham's account.  A deposit for future withdrawal was added to his spiritual bank account.  It took many years of walking in faith before the withdrawal could be made, but Issac, the child of promise, was eventually born. We also have had things credited to our account as believers. Things we are promised but have not yet seen. An obvious example is heaven. We don't see it now but we KNOW we have been promised it and walk in certain belief that we will see it someday.  Likewise, in Christ, deposits have been made into each of our spiritual bank accounts for every need that we will face.  Through the blood of Jesus, God has made these deposits.  He has deposited everything we will need to fulfill His purpose for us.  All that we need is found in Him.
4.  Be sure to attend a local church this week.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Assignment for August 6, 2019

1. Be sure to attend a local church this week.
2.  Read Genesis 11:27-12:20
3.  Genesis 12:1- What was God's command?
4.  Genesis 12:2-3- How many promises to Abram are in these verses?
5.  Genesis 12:7- What is this additional promise?
6.  How have theses promises affected world history?
7.  Read:  Hebrews 11:8
                 Acts 3:25
                Galatians 3:8 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Assignment for July 24, 2019

1.  Attend a local church this week.
2.  Review the assignment from July 10th.  A summary:
- Genesis 10 is often labeled the "Table of Nations." 
- Up to the Tower of Babel story the number of descendants of Noah's 3 sons was 70.  
- Out of these 70 offspring, who turned against God, came 70 nations. These nations were put under demonic rulers who led them into false religions. All nations of the earth can be traced back to one of these 70.
- None of these nations would qualify to give birth to the Messiah. What was needed was a 71st nation.  God would choose Abraham, a descendant of Arphaxad (one of the 70) from Shem's line, to create this 71st nation.
- 2 of the promises Abraham received: The promise that the all the peoples of the world would be blessed through his offspring (Genesis 11:3) and the promise of the land of Israel (Genesis 11:7). God never intended to turn His back on the other 70 nations. His plan, through the Messiah of Abraham's lineage, was to win them back to Himself.
- You will see this pattern all through the Old Testament. When God has to bring judgment upon a nation, He does so but He also includes a promise for future redemption. An example is Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39. Verses 34-38 has a list of the judgments God will bring upon them but then verse 39 says, "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in the days to come." Look for this pattern as you read.
3.  Read Genesis 11.
4.  As may be noted in your study Bible, chapter 11:1-9 actually took place before chapter 10. The Bible wasn't always written in a chronological format. People in Bible days didn't think in those terms as much as we do now.
5.   Where is Shinar located?
6.   What is the 1st mention item in verse 3?
7.   What do you think was the 1st language spoken?
8.   What was their true goal? verse 4
9.   What would be impossible for a united people to do? verse 6
10. Why was it necessary to confuse the languages?

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Assignment for July 10, 2019

1.  Attend a local church this week.

2.  Review the assignment from July 3, 2019.

3.  Total number of nations descending from the sons of Noah. Genesis 10 is often labeled the "Table of Nations."
     Shem-        26
     Ham-          30
     Japheth      14
     Total           70

Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshek and Tiras. Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites and the Rodanites. 

Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan. Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteka. Sheba and Dedan. Nimrod, Ludites, Anamites, Lehabites, Naphtuhites, Pathrusites, Kasluhites and Caphtorites. Sidon, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites.

Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshek. Shelah, Eber.  Peleg, Joktan. Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. 
70 Nations came from these 70 offspring.  They populated the earth.  Every current nation can be traced back to one of these 70.

4.  With the number 70 in mind, read:
     Exodus 1:5
     Numbers 11:16-25
     Luke 10:1, 17

5.  Abraham will soon become of major importance.  What nation did he descend from?
     Luke 3:34-36
As you read through this list, remember the importance of the fact that Holy Spirit chose to emphasize some of these descendants by not just listing their name but by adding "more information" concerning them. As you look at this lineage (and compare it with Genesis 10) do you see anything of unique significance with any of them? 

6.  We'll see what Miss Martha has for us in terms of "colors in the Bible."

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Assignment for July 3, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 10 & 11
2.  Here are some maps to help you with the table of nations and the spread of man.

Image result for genesis 10 table of nations map

Image result for genesis 10 table of nations map- babel and ararat

This focuses on the descendants of Canaan:

                         Image result for sons of canaan map

3.  How many descendants do you count for each family line in chapter 10? Shem? Ham? Japheth?  What is the total?

4.  Read:
     Exodus 1:1-5
     Numbers 11:16-25
     Luke 10:1-20

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Assignment for June 26, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 9 and 10
2.  We have been examining a very complex part of Scripture in Genesis 9:18-28. This passage has been debated for centuries and the conclusions drawn have been varied. So we picked a Bible Study principle to use. 
- This principle was to 1st look ONLY to this portion of Scripture and it's immediate context to see what we can learn.  Now, there is nothing wrong with using outside information as we study the Bible. However, I have found with these difficult passages that other sources can be confusing to use at 1st. This principle is ALWAYS the safest way to begin a study, no matter how difficult the passage.

We began looking through this portion last week.  Here are some things that we learned:
- There was special mention of Canaan in verse 18. Why?
- 1st mention of vineyard, wine and drunk.  Did Noah know about fermentation?
- Ham wasn't cursed. Canaan was. Why?
- Ham "saw" something (vs. 22) and "did" something (vs. 24)
- Question came up: Was Ham cursed worse by not being cursed directly?
- Canaan was to serve his brothers. His brothers are listed in 10:6.
- So, continue to look closely at these verses and see what else you notice.  

3. Here are a few things I have noticed by using a few Bible Study language tools:

- In vs 21-22 we find the words "uncovered" and "nakedness."  These exact same words show up in the book of Leviticus 18 & 20.  Look at Leviticus 20:11. The NIV says "he has dishonored his father." More literal translations (KJV, etc.) say, "he has uncovered his father's nakedness." What does this phrase speak about? What conclusions can you draw?
- Noah said, "Cursed be Canaan!" (vs. 25) He said this to his "youngest son." (vs. 24)  But Ham was not the youngest son. He was the middle son. The word "son" in verse 24 can also refer to "grandson." Was Canaan the youngest grandson (10:6)?

4. This should be enough to get us started.

5.  Be sure and attend a church.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Assignment for June 12, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 9

2.  A review of some "1st mention" items from last week.
      - "fear and dread" put upon animals toward man, vs. 2
      - permission to eat meat, vs. 3
      - the uniqueness of the blood of animals and humans, vs. 4-5
      - the first hint of the need for a human government. The need expressed here is to be able to carry out the death penalty, vs. 6

3.  A Bible study principle:  Be careful not to read into the Scripture what is not there.
First of all, it is important to take the time to notice what is not there. Our example was the fact that there is no record of man eating meat before the flood, nor is there mention that there was a fear of man in the animals.  Did they eat meat between the Fall and the Flood? Were the animals afraid?  We do not know. The Bible is silent on these matters.  A better question to ask when these type of things are noticed is this, "Why did Holy Spirit choose this particular chapter to introduce these ideas?"

4.  Another principle is that the Bible will speak for itself.  The best interpreter of the Bible is the Bible.

5.  What does the Bible say about itself? Look up these verses and jot down some notes.
     Exodus 24:4
     2 Kings 17:13
     Matthew 5:17-18
     Luke 24:25-27
     2 Timothy 3:16-17
     2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:2, 15-16
     Revelation 22:18-19

6.  Be sure to attend a church this week.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Assignment for May 29, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 8
2.  Look up the definition of the word "remember."
3.  What are some other important Bible verses that contain the word "remember?"
4. Vs. 7- Why did the Raven not return to the ark?
5. What was Noah's 1st act after he emptied the ark?
6. What is the "1st Mention" item in verse 20?
7.  Write down any questions that come to mind as you are reading and studying.
8.  Be sure to attend a church this week.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Assignment for May 22, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 7

2.  2 Peter 2:5 and Hebrews 11:7 give insight into Noah.  
     What do they tell us?

3.  How many times are the numbers 7 and 40 used? 
      What is the significance of these? 
      Do we find these numbers elsewhere in scripture?

4.  7:2 has a 1st mention item.  What is it?

5.  7:11- floodgates of heaven

     See Malachi 3:10. Exact same phrase is used but in a positive way.

6.  Why were there more clean animals taken than unclean?

7.  What species did not enter the ark?

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assignment for May 1, 2019

Review from previous lessons:  

1.  3 "likenesses"
     Gen. 5:1-  likeness of God- perfect man, sinless
     Gen. 5:3-  likeness of Adam- sinful man
     Gen. 6:4-  likeness of hybrid creatures- these were never meant to be.  Part fallen spirit and part human. From these unions came the giants- the Nephilim.

2.  Math from Gen. 5:25 (187), 28 (182) and 7:6 (600).  When you add these 3 numbers together you 969.  

Methuselah, whose name is a combination of 2 words:  "Man of the dart" and "They died." There was a "target date" when something would happen.  He lived 969 years. The year he died the flood came. He was a living "prophetic indicator" that destruction was coming. He was the longest living human ever to live.  This shows how much patience God gives us in allowing us time to repent before sending judgment.

3.  Once the Nephilim came, God said, "Enough! Things have gotten too wicked and I must destroy mankind."  Gen. 6:5-7

4.  But Noah, whose name means "rest, repose," found favor with God. Because of this, he and his family were permitted to escape the flood.  One person made a  difference in the world that has impacted the world to this day.  

5.  Existence of the giants.  We looked at the following videos. These are not from a Christian perspective.  They simply show that there is historical proof that they existed.

This one is about a speech by Abraham Lincoln.  His speech was not about giants but about the enduring greatness of the Niagara Falls. However, he refers to the giants in a way that shows that it was common knowledge to the people in our nation that they existed.
Here is a new one dealing only with Indiana:

This link shows the findings just in our nation.
Giant remains have been discovered all over the world.  We will look at this from a Christian perspective this week.

6.  Luke 17:26-27-  “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all."

Everything that occurred before the flood will occur before Jesus returns.  However, there is a "Noah" that has found favor with God and is pointing the way to repentance and life whereby mankind can be saved.  This is the Church of Jesus Christ- you and me. We have an important job!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Assignment for 4-17-2019

Read Genesis 4 & 5

We will review Genesis 4, especially the "1st Mention" items.

Chapter 5:1 and 3 both use the word "likeness."  Are there differences between these uses?  If so, what are they?

Use the numbers in 5:25, 27, 28 and 7:6 and see what kind of math stuff you can come up with. It is pretty cool. 😉

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Assignment for April 3, 2019

Review the assignments from March 13th and 20th.  We will review these and move into Genesis 4.

Consider the differences in the offerings of Cain and Abel. (Ha! Spelled it correctly Cindy 😋)
Look at them from every angle and ask Holy Spirit to give you some keys as to why one was acceptable and one was not.

Look up the definitions of:

There is a Bible Study principle I call "1st Mention."  The first time the Bible mentions a new topic we need to take notice and ask what the significance of it is.

In Genesis 4 we have the 1st mention of 3 major sins.  What are they? 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Assignment for March 20, 2019

Continue reading Genesis 3 & 4

We began looking at Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:21, 45.
So far, our comparison chart between Adam and Jesus looks like this:

          Adam                                                                      Jesus

      sin entered                                                                   gift 
         death                                                                       grace
        infected                                                               justification
        pattern                                                               righteousness
      judgment                                                              reign in life

We will pick up at Romans 5:19 this week. Keep working on your lists.

This is a VERY dense portion of Scripture. Part of learning how to study the Bible is learning how to unpack these dense sections.  Slowing down, reading carefully and writing notes is a good way to do this.

Sin Timeline

Monday, March 11, 2019

Assignment for March 13, 2019

We are finishing up chapter 3 of Genesis and moving into chapter 4.

Please read both chapters.

Some discoveries we made.

Gen 2:25-  no shame and unclothed
Gen 3:21-  shame and had to be clothed by God

God told Adam and Eve that if they ate of the forbidden fruit they would surely die.
Gen 3:21-  What was the 1st manifestation that showed that death had entered creation?

Read Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:21 and 45.
Take a piece of paper and make 2 columns. One for Adam and one for Jesus.
Write down everything you find in these verses that pertains to each one.  We will compare and contrast them in class.

Genesis 4-  What differences are there between the offerings of Cain and Able?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Webster's Online 1828 Dictionary

Webster's 1828 Dictionary can be found at:

Click on this link to find it. It is a great resource.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Assignment for January 30, 2019

1.  Read Genesis 2
2.  Why did God rest?  Was He tired?
3.  Verse 7- We know that man is a 3 part being.  Can you identify where these 3 parts originated by using this verse?
      Look up the definition of the word "formed"
      John 20:21-22- What is similar to Gen.2:7? What is different?
4.  Man was given dominion over nature.  What was his 1st act?
5.  What was different about the creation of Eve?
6.  Write down any insights or questions you receive from Holy Spirit

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Assignment for January 16, 2019

Last week we looked at the first thing God created- Light. Here is the full spectrum of all the light waves God created. We can only see a sliver of the light that exists. 

Light is a physical manifestation of God's nature. He is light. His light guided all that He created. 

As we continue looking at the days of creation in Genesis chapter 1:

1.  Look for words or phrases that are repeated throughout the chapter. Write them down with the number of times they are used in chapter 1.
2.  Look up these words in an English dictionary:
3.  Remember, the 2 things you can do that will help you to get the most out of our time together are:
     - Do the homework
     - Go to a local church each week

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Assignment for January 9, 2019

Happy New Year!

We will begin the year by looking at the book of Genesis. For this week:

1.  Read Chapter 1 of Genesis
2.  We will probably just be focusing on the earlier verses
3.  With regard to the creation account itself, read:
     John 1:1-3
     Hebrews 11:3
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
4.  With regard to the subject of light, read:
     1 Timothy 6:16
     Psalm 76:4
     Psalm 104:2
     1 John 1:5
     Jot down some thoughts as you connect the dots with Genesis 1.
5.  Be sure to start each day in prayer and the Word and be sure to attend church.