Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Goal of Bible Study: 2. Illumination- Part 1

Until now our focus has been on discovering, accurately, WHAT our scripture portion says and means.  Reading and studying are important first steps because they become a safeguard for us. We now know WHAT the portion of Scripture says and means.  Just as important, we know what it does NOT say or mean. So, as we move into personal application of the Scripture, we have a built-in check and balance system.  We need to know if we are truly hearing God's voice.  If what we are hearing does not line up with what we have learned, we know we are not hearing correctly. Why? Because God will never contradict His Word. On the other hand, if what we are hearing does line up with the Word we have assurance and confidence as we move forward. So, our focus now moves from WHAT the Bible says to what it says to ME. We want to personalize the truths that have come to light.  To do so, we have to have confidence that we can hear God’s voice.  Jesus taught us, “My sheep know My voice and they follow Me because they know My voice.” (see John 10)

There are 2 Greek words in the New Testament translated “word.” One is logos, which refers to the written Word of God.  The other is rhema, which refers to the spoken Word of God.  Reading and studying focus on the logos.  Starting with this step we will are seeking rhema. This is where God speaks to us personally out of His Word.  Rhema brings faith and faith is what will please God. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word (rhema) of God.” When I hear what God says to me personally, faith arises to take hold of His personal promise to ME.  So, during this step we are asking Him to reveal His rhema to us.

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