Friday, February 2, 2018

Is Failure Always Final?

Thoughts on Numbers 13-14.  This is the story of the 12 spies being sent into the Promised Land to scout it out.  Upon their return, 10 of them gave the nation a bad report and 2 of them a good report. One report was full of fear and doubt and the other was full of faith and life. The people chose to follow the bad report and as a result judgment came upon the entire nation. Anyone over 20 years old would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. The nation would spend 40 more years wandering in the desert until all of these people had died.  Then, the next generation would enter the Promised Land (along with the 2 spies who gave a good report- Joshua and Caleb).  From the moment of their decision to sin, the nation was divided into 2 groups:  Those who would go in and those who would would not. Most of the time we focus on those who would enter the Promised Land.  I have been pondering the group that died in the wilderness (remember that Moses was also included in this group). Was there any victory possible for these people after their choice to disobey God?  Were they doomed to finishing out their days in defeat and discouragement? As I read my Bible, I have to say a big "NO!!" to those questions.  True, they could not enter the Promised Land but they could choose their attitude and heart posture while wandering in the desert.  They could continue in a "pity party" mentality and grow bitter or repent and call upon the God who is full of mercy and forgiveness and grow stronger in faith. They were given the chance to make the most out of their circumstances, regardless of how they got there.  They still had the ability to choose victory or defeat for the rest of their days.  As far as I can tell, the Bible is silent on which decision they made.  However, I believe it is safe to assume that people decided in both directions.  What did the days consist of for those who chose life?  I believe they reached out to the next generation to help prepare them to enter the Promised Land.  They taught them by their mistakes and by the miracles they had witnessed in their lifetime. They warned them of the folly of sin. They declared to them the victory of faith. In short, they turned to God with their whole hearts and He redeemed their remaining days by restoring His vision and call to them. 
This sounds a lot like many of us.  At times, we have all chosen the wrong fork in the road and reaped judgment. God wants to encourage us today that that judgment is not final! There still remains a purpose for us to fulfill in God. That purpose has not changed and if we return to Him with our whole heart, He will redeem the time we have left. Our latter days can be better than our former days!  We can bear fruit, more fruit and fruit that remains for the next generations. There is victory in the wilderness.  I encourage you to choose life and life more abundantly for the rest of your days!

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