Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Goal of Bible Study

I will be discussing the sequence of events that need to take place for us to get all we can out of our time in God’s Word.  We will discuss the following steps: 

  1.  Information
  2.  Illumination 
  3.  Revelation 
  4.  Application
  5.  Transformation
  6.  Multiplication

Don't let the large number of steps overwhelm you before you start. We will be discussing each one in depth so as to bring understanding and clarity to you. However, once you know the process, you will be able to flow through these steps fairly quickly. Here is a picture of our goal: 

Think of a big bowl of cherries.  Everyone of them is appealing but there is one special one that is perfectly ripe.  Our goal is to find THAT cherry and allow it to change our lives and the lives of those we touch.

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