Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Goal of Bible Study: Information- Part 1: Reading

We start with the whole bowl of cherries. We want to understand the big picture. We do this by reading the Bible as a whole. It is important to read ALL of it and not just our favorite parts. Don’t get too concerned about not being able to understand what you read. Understanding will come as you are consistent. The book of Revelation is a great encouragement for us in this regard.  It says in Revelation 1:3, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy,...” (NIV)  The book of Revelation can be one of the most confusing books to understand. Does this verse tell us that we will be blessed if we understand the book?  No! It says we will be blessed if we simply read it, and read it out loud. Just reading the Word of God brings blessing to us. Reading it out loud adds another dimension of blessing. So, crack the cover, dive in and enjoy reading. There are many reading programs available to get you started. In my next blog I will give you a website where you can find some. Choose a simple one to start with. For right now, just choose to start. A short amount is fine to begin with. Anything will help you. Consistency is the key.  Read something everyday. Eventually you will want to try to read in the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. You will be blessed as you do and Holy Spirit, who is our Teacher, will give understanding as you need it.

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